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Writer's pictureWendy Appleby

HAWK + HORSE musings

Hello dear ones,

It's been a while so I thought I would share some updates. Grateful you are here. It truly means so much.

I've been quiet with this work but the month of May got me going again. The eclipses and other energetics, including my guides said "it's time." Time to put this work out into the world again.

I've been deep in my work with kiddos and that chapter is closing. A new one is one the horizon. The horses have called me and I believe they are calling so many of us. They are so generous in offering.

Horses have been used by humans throughout time and not always honored and respected. Wars have been fought on their backs, fields plowed and wagons pulled. They truly don't owe us anything and yet they call us. In many shamanic cultures horses are seen as a connection between the worlds. Between the seen and unseen realms. They are truly amazing, mystical beings.

I recently shared my story on a podcast. It was time and I was asked so I said yes. For the past 2 1/2 years since my son died I have learned to follow the breadcrumbs. To do the next thing that feels right. It may feel scary but I know in my gut that it's the path forward. If you haven't listened I sure would love it if you would. It will give you more of the story of how this all came to be. Why I am doing this. The podcast is called "Growing Wild" and is hosted by the dearest soul, Laura Ambrosio. Here's a link to Apple podcasts It's also available on Spotify.

I recently heard about the connection between fear and expansion. Ali Ofstedal (an amazing healer and astrologer) was talking about it on her podcast. She said if you're feeling a lot of fear you may be going through an expansion. "Fear and expansion are two minerals from the same mine," Ali shared. They work together. That made sense to me. Fear can get a bad rap but it has a job. To keep us safe. The brain doesn't like change. It seeks patterns and the known. That's it's job. When we venture into the unknown the body and brain can go on high alert and fear joins the party. We can welcome fear and thank it for coming. We can also tell fear that it doesn't get to drive the car. Looking through this lens of fear and expansion allows us to welcome it a bit more. It's like, oh, "I know why you're here." When you are leveling up fear has no choice but to speak up. It's ok. Lean into it. Fear is not the boss of us!

Another theme that has emerged recently is patience or rather impatience. I think it will be life-long lesson for me but I am making some progress. I get big, grand visions and I want them to happen now! Big manifestations take time and they also require us to release things to make space for the new. Cue fear again. I've been reading Rick Rubin's The Creative Act: A Way of Being and he said something about impatience that has really stuck with me. In his chapter titled "Patience" he says "Patience is developed much like awareness. Through an acceptance of what is. Impatience is an argument with reality. The desire for something to be different from what we are experiencing in the here and now." I guess I like to argue with reality! That line really got me though. Some potent medicine.

So I practice being with fear and reality. What is here for me now. What I can do with what I have now. Not wait until I have the big dream to bring this work into the world. We can always start with what we have, where we are.

I hope you are well. I hope you are leaning into all this life has to offer. I hope you are taking care of yourself. What is emerging for you?

If you need support, clarity or guidance and the horses are calling we would love to hold space for you.

Peace + love,


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Thank you for sharing. You are amazing!

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